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Major Influences

Want to know what makes me tick? Check out some of my most important influences here. This list is by no means exhaustive and changes as I learn and grow!

The Science of Mind Teaching Symbol (a black circle divided into thirds with two lines with a "V" shape in the center) on a background of light with light beams coming out of it.


Science of Mind & New Thought

The New Thought Movement began in the 1800s with people like Phineas Quimby and Emma Curtis Hopkins, considered to be the "teacher of teachers" because she taught hundreds of well known metaphysicans, including the founder of Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes. New Thought is based on the understanding that we have the power to influence our own lives through our thoughts, beliefs, actions, habits, and behaviors. It also teaches the principle of Oneness, that there is no good and evil, but rather one infinite, absolute, eternal thing that is referred to by many names, the most prevalent being "God".  Ernest believed in being "open at the top", and Science of Mind continues to evolve as we learn more. 

Click here for some of my favorite New Thought resources.



Tantra is a 4000 year old Spiritual Tradition that was started as a rebellion of the puritanical Hinduism of the day. Unlike mainstream religions which teach that we need to deny our bodies, the Earth, and pleasure to reach enlightenment, Tantra teaches that we were put on this planet as human for a reason and that we should embrace our humanity and pleasure to reach enlightenment. It is not just a "sex thing" as people often believe, but rather an entire spiritual philosophy and way of living that embraces all aspects of life.

An image of a human sitting in a meditation pose with their legs criss crossed and their hands on their knees with their index finger and thumb touching. The human is a magenta color and a geometric shape made of light is spiraling from their head. There are light patterns surrounding them. The entire image is made of pinks, purples, magentas, and some yellow.
The traditional symbol of anarchy in bright red (a messy style "A" with a circle in the background) is on a bed of red and pink metallic hearts.



Contrary to popular belief, anarchism is not descent into lawlessness and destruction. Rather, it is a socio-political movement based on the idea that everyone is equal and should not be ruled over by others or systems. Anarchism seeks to break down the systems of injustice and oppression that have been in place for centuries and replace them with systems of equity, community care, and justice. It is an inherently peaceful movement filled with people who want to make the world a better place for everyone in it. 

Click here for some of my favorite resources on Anarchism


Transformative Justice

Transformative Justice is a practice and philosophy that promotes change in our current oppressive systems and frameworks. It focuses on transformation based on wholistic practices, healing, looking at root causes, and comprehensive outcomes. It is akin to peacemaking, but rather than focusing only on individuals, seeks to create a system and world that works for all people. 

An old growth tree sits in the background with its branches overhanging water. Below, a rainbow circle of arrows sits in the forefront.
The torso of a human made of outer space sits cross legged with it's palms outstretched. Hovering over its hands are 5 planets of varying sizes and colors. In the background is a galaxy.


Creation Spirituality

Creation Spirituality is a teaching and practice based on the concept of Panantheism. Panatheism is the belief that everything is Divine, or that God is in the entirety of life, matter, and energy, however that it is not encompassed by creation but simultaneously transcendent. Matthew Fox, the founder of Creation Spirituality, states, “as a movement, Creation Spirituality becomes an amazing gathering place, a kind of watering hole for persons whose passion has been touched by the issues of our day – deep ecologists, ecumenists, artists, native peoples, justice activists, feminists, male liberationists, gay and lesbian peoples, animal liberationists, scientists seeking to reconnect science and wisdom, people of prophetic faith traditions – all these find in the Creation Spirituality movement a common language and a common ground on which to stand.” 


Body Positivity & Fat Activism

Body Positivity is the idea that all bodies are good bodies and that able-bodied, skinny, and conventionally attractive should not be the standard against which everyone is measured. Fat activism is based in the idea that not everyone is meant to be skinny and the diet and weight loss industry does far more harm than good. Every body has a variety of needs and abilities, and rather than having a single picture of what that should be for everyone, each person can work to discover what is right for them and their body. Every person is worthy and valuable, regardless of what their body looks like or how it works. Weight is not a measure of health and health is not a measure of worth.

The stylized words "Body Positive" written in red and pink sit on a background of a purple amythest geod.
Afrofuturist art by Manzel Bowman titled "Watch Tower". A black woman in a tradition African dress stands on a platform before a portal that is open to another planet. On either side of the portal are two golden pillars. In the background is a blue, pink, and purple sky reminiscent of a sunset.


Science Fiction & Afrofuturism

adrienne maree brown tells us that we are in an "imagination battle". This means that we are living in the world of someone else's imagination - someone from the past. It is time for us to imagine our own futures and view the world around us from a lens of radical possibility and potentiality. What will the world look like when the systems of marginalization and oppression that have existed for centuries are no longer the norm? This is the question that we seek to answer, and one of the most powerful ways that we can do that is in our fiction. I am an avid reader of science fiction, particularly afro-futurism and the science fiction of queer, black and women writers. 

Click here for some of my favorite Sci Fi Authors & Books

MLK Jr.'s 25 Traits of a Beloved Community

The beloved community manifests and protects agape love as its guiding principle and is

expressed in the following ways:

  1. Offers radical hospitality to everyone; an inclusive family rather than exclusive club;

  2. Recognizes and honors the image of God in every human being;

  3. Exhibits personal authenticity, true respect, and validation of others;

  4. Recognition and affirmation, not eradication, of differences;

  5. Listens emotionally (i.e., with the heart) – fosters empathy and compassion for others;

  6. Tolerates ambiguity – realizes that sometimes a clear-cut answer is not readily available;

  7. Builds increasing levels of trust and works to avoid fear of difference and others;

  8. Acknowledges limitations, lack of knowledge, or understanding – and seeks to learn;

  9. Acknowledges conflict or pain in order to work on difficult issues;

  10. Speaks truth in love, always considering ways to be compassionate with one another;

  11. Avoids physical aggression and verbal abuse;

  12. Resolves conflicts peacefully, without violence, recognizing that peacefully doesn’t always mean comfortably for everybody;

  13. Releases resentment and bitterness through self-purification (i.e., avoidance of internal violence through spiritual, physical, and psychological care);

  14. Focuses energy on removing evil forces (unjust systems), not destroying persons;

  15. Unyielding persistence and unwavering commitment to justice;

  16. Achieves friendship and understanding through negotiation, compromise, or consensus – considering each circumstance to discern which will be most helpful;

  17. Righteously opposes and takes direct action against poverty, hunger, and homelessness;

  18. Advocates thoroughgoing, extensive neighborhood revitalization without displacement (this also applies to the Church – working toward responsible and equitable growth, discipleship, and worship);

  19. Blends faith and action to generate a commitment to defeating injustice (not forgetting that injustice can also be found within the Church);

  20. Encourages and embraces artistic expressions of faith from diverse perspectives;

  21. Fosters dynamic and active spirituality – recognizes that we serve a dynamic God who is not left behind by a changing world or people, and that a passive approach will not work;

  22. Gathers together regularly for table fellowship, and meets the needs of everyone in the community;

  23. Relies on scripture reading, prayer, and corporate worship for inner strength;

  24. Promotes human rights and works to create a non-racist society;

  25. Shares power and acknowledges the inescapable network of mutuality among the human family.


The Beloved Community is written in front of a simple picture of Martin Luther King Jr. on a brown background.
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